“So renowned, illustrious, and European”

The Accademia Gioenia, in the guides, newspapers and travel reports in Sicily (1824-1928). On the occasion of its bicentenary

  • Mario Alberghina Gioenia Academy, Catania, Italy
Keywords: Gioeni Academy, Travel literature, Guides, Diaries, Journals, Periodicals, Library catalogues Catania


Within the extensive travel literature in Sicily and the newspapers and publications, mainly nineteenth-century European works, over a thousand have been surveyed in order to find references or mentions of Gioeni Academy of Natural Sciences in Catania, since its foundation for over a century of activity. A tribute from the Author to the members of the association and scholars in the bicentennial year (1824.-2024). Praiseworthy and honourable quotations were found, as well as surprising omissions. The authors are more interested in the marvelous description of the historical, economic, anthropological, landscape, political-social aspects of their travel stories and scientific journals rather than in the brief illustration of scientific-naturalistic themes or philosophical-scientific theses emerging in the Sicilian territory.

How to Cite
Alberghina, M. (2024). “So renowned, illustrious, and European”. Bullettin of the Gioenia Academy of Natural Sciences of Catania, 57(387), FP132-FP192. https://doi.org/10.35352/gioenia.v57i387.116
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