Management actions by the Organization of the natural Park of Mt. Etna on SCI and SPAs sites
sites of special safeguard, habitat management and safeguard, ecological and socio-economic sustainability, Natural Park of Mt. Etna
On the natural Park of Mt. Etna there are many sites of special safeguard. They are the sites within the Natura 2000 network and particularly: the Sites of Community Importance (SCI) and the Special Protection Areas (SPAs). The safeguard of natural habitats which are present in such sites needs an adequate management's tool: the Management Plan. The Organization of the Park got ready such Plan, whose the general strategy includes: the ecological sustainability and the socio- economic sustainability. That allows to carry out the actions required to do an adequate management of such sites.
How to Cite
Di Paola, G. (2014). Management actions by the Organization of the natural Park of Mt. Etna on SCI and SPAs sites. Bullettin of the Gioenia Academy of Natural Sciences of Catania, 47(377/SFE), SFE74-SFE77. Retrieved from
Special Focus Edition