Anphibian terophytic communities of Sila
Floristic peculiarities and conservation problems
Sila, Isoëto-Nanojuncetea, rare species
Amphibian terophytic communities of Sila Massif have been studied. They occurs on lake banks characterized by periodical seasonal fluctuations of water level. This communities are referred to Isoeto-Nanojuncetea class. Phytocoenoses of Sila are rich in species with a late summer life cycle, characteristic of Elatino-Eleocharition ovatae and Nanocyperetalia flavescentis. During recent investigations some populations of rare species, such us Limosella aquatica, Schoenoplectus supinus, Cyperus michelianus, Lindernia palustris which populations in Sila are extremely disjuncted from main distribution area and this confirms the important role that lake shores of Sila have as refuge for many plants with northern distribution.
How to Cite
Gangale, C., & Uzunov, D. (2014). Anphibian terophytic communities of Sila. Bullettin of the Gioenia Academy of Natural Sciences of Catania, 47(377/SFE), SFE79-SFE84. Retrieved from
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