Sharp a priori estimates for some nonlinear elliptic problems

  • A. Alvino Dipartimento di Matematica e Applicazioni "R.Caccioppoli", Universit`a di Napoli "Federico II", Italy
Keywords: a priori estimates, existence results, nonlinear elliptic equations, rearrangements, symmetrization methods


We consider homogeneous Dirichlet problems whose prototype is \[ - \Delta_p u = h | \nabla u |^q + f \quad \mbox{in \(\Omega \),} \quad u = 0 \quad \mbox{in \( \partial \Omega \)}.\] We give existence results focusing our attention on the sharpness of the conditions on the known term \( f \). All the estimates are the result of comparison results obtained via symmetrization methods.

How to Cite
Alvino, A. (2013). Sharp a priori estimates for some nonlinear elliptic problems. Bullettin of the Gioenia Academy of Natural Sciences of Catania, 46(376/SFE), SFE2-SFE11. Retrieved from