Eco-friendly defense of agricultural cultivations

General aspects

  • Sebastiano Barbagallo Dipartimento di Agricoltura, Alimentazione e Ambiente, Università di Catania, Catania, Italy
Keywords: IPM pest control, host plant resistance, cultural control, biological control, sustainable agriculture


A brief introduction on crop protection in a sustainable agriculture is reported. The integrated pest management is postulated as a comprehensive and ecient method to reduce ecological pollution and toxicological risks linked to a preminent use of chemical pest control on crops. This can be achieved throught the implementation of cultural, physical and classical biological control methods. In addition, biotechnical methods (as the use of semiochemicals) and host plant resistance to pests, whenever applicable, as well as the observance of legislative disposition (EU directives, regional advisory suggestions) are also fundamental to get an effective sustainable crop pest management.

How to Cite
Barbagallo, S. (2019). Eco-friendly defense of agricultural cultivations. Bullettin of the Gioenia Academy of Natural Sciences of Catania, 52(382/SFE), DECA1-DECA4.