In memory of Francesco Guglielmino, mathematician
history, mathematical analysis, University of Catania
Francesco Guglielmino, emeritus of Mathematical Analysis at the University of Catania and emeritus of the Gioenia Academy of Catania, died at the age of 86 years on December 2, 2013. We mention his early life and we illustrate his figure as Scientist and as Teacher of Mathematical Analysis, through his scientific works on partial differential equations of hyperbolic and parabolic type, and his scientific proselytizing that allowed him to create an exceptional school of Mathematical Analysis in Catania. Moreover we illustrate motivations that earned to him the Antonio Feltrinelli prize for Mathematics, Mechanics, and Applications of the National Academy of Lincei on 1991.
How to Cite
Marino, M. (2014). In memory of Francesco Guglielmino, mathematician. Bullettin of the Gioenia Academy of Natural Sciences of Catania, 47(377), FP437-FP444. Retrieved from
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